Gun Rights Restoration in Richmond, VA

Gun Rights Restoration Lawyers in Richmond, VA

Restoration of Civil Rights

Anyone convicted of a felony in Virginia automatically loses their civil rights.  Civil rights include the right to vote, serve on a jury, run for office, become a notary public and carry a firearm. The Constitution of Virginia gives the Governor the sole discretion to restore civil rights, not including firearm rights.

There are numerous questions clients ask us when inquiring about rights restorations.   Those typically include eligibility and the process to get one’s rights restored.  If you have any questions, please call one of our attorneys to help you along the road to get your rights restored. 

 Restoration of Gun Rights

One who is convicted of a felony not only loses their civil rights, but also lose their firearm rights.  If you have been convicted of a felony as described in Section 18.2-308.2 of the Code of Virginia, you may still be eligible to purchase a firearm if your rights have been restored

You must take several steps following a felony conviction in order to restore your gun rights. First you need to have been granted restoration of your civil rights from the Governor of Virginia.  This does not restore your gun rights.  To restore your gun rights, you may petition the circuit court of the county or city in which you reside or of the county or city in which you were convicted, for a hearing to request restoration of your Second Amendment firearm rights.  You are not guaranteed to have your gun rights restored.  We get a lot of questions about eligibility and the process of restoring your firearms rights.  The lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit consider Second Amendment gun rights very important, and have helped numerous clients regain their right to bear arms.  If you have any questions or want to start the process or restoring your gun rights, contact one of the gun rights restoration lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit.