Category: DUI & Traffic Law

Sussex County Traffic Lawyer

The Sussex County Reckless Driving firm of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was able to have a clients charges reduced to a non-moving violation.  Our client was charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-862, in Sussex.  Reckless Driving is a serious criminal offense that can cause a lot of headache and cost a lot of money.  A conviction for Reckless Driving will …

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Hanover Reckless Driving Lawyer

The Hanover County Reckless Driving firm of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was able to have a clients charges reduced to a non-moving violation.  Our client was charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-862, in Hanover.  Reckless Driving is a serious criminal offense that can cause a lot of headache and cost a lot of money.  A conviction for Reckless …

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