46.2-852 – Reckless Driving Dismissed
Recently, in Henrico County, Virginia one of our clients was charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-852. Our client was charged with Reckless Driving as a result of an accident. Reckless Driving is a serious offense that can have many negative impacts on your life. A conviction for Reckless Driving is a criminal offense. A conviction can lead to points on your license, increased insurance premiums, a fine, and in some cases jail time.
Our client was young with a limited record. Our lawyer wanted to keep it that way, and advised the client to enter a plea of not guilty. After a trial, and argument our attorney prevailed, and the case was dismissed.
If you have been charged with a Traffic Ticket or Reckless Driving charge in Henrico County contact one of the lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit. Adam Jurach, Brian Tacey, and Tony Quitiquit regularly handle Reckless Driving cases in Henrico, Hanover, Chesterfi
“Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.”