Month: February 2016

Not Guilty: Concealed Weapon §18.2-308

In an unusual twist the lawyers of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit were able to help a defendant be found not guilty, without actually representing the defendant.  The individual was charged with violating §18.2-308, Concealed Weapon, in Hanover County.  Conviction of these charges would have had  very serious implications for the unrepresented individual.  While the case was going on all …

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Possession of Burglary Tools

Possession of Burglary Tools Possession of burglary tools is a felony in Virginia.  This charge is often, but not always, charged with a Burglary offense. The statute language can be found below: 18.2-94: Possession of burglarious tools, etc. If any person have in his possession any tools, implements or outfit, with intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny, upon conviction thereof he shall be guilty …

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