Traffic Attorney Advice – Following too closely Virginia § 46.2-816

DUI & Traffic Law

Following too closely is a serious charge in Virginia.  It can result in DMV points, fines and court fees.  Below you will find a copy of the statute for following too closely in Virginia.  Also, some of the potential ramifications if you are convicted for following too closely.  If you are charged with following too closely in Virginia, give one of the attorneys at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit a call to discuss your case.
§ 46.2-816 Following too closely.

The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the speed of both vehicles and the traffic on, and conditions of, the highway at the time.

Following Too Closely: DMV Points

Following too closely is punishable by up to 4 points on your drivers license in Virginia

Following Too Closely: Fines

Following too closely is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

Following Too Closely: CDL Holders
Following too closely is very serious if you have a (Commercial Driver’s License) CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) getting a following too closely ticket and another serious traffic ticket within three years will result in a 60 day disqualification (i.e. 60-day license suspension)


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