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Richmond Speeding Ticket Attorneys

Helping Clients Defeat Speeding and Reckless Driving Charges

Most of us have been there before: you’re in a hurry and going a little too fast when you see the red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. Suddenly, you’re even more behind schedule because you’re being cited for a traffic violation.

Being pulled over for speeding can be annoying. However, the consequences of a traffic ticket can last far beyond the frustrating delay in your plans. A Richmond, VA, traffic ticket can result in hefty fines, marks on your driving record, or even criminal charges.

If you have been cited for a traffic violation in Richmond, Virginia, you may be able to find relief by hiring a Richmond traffic lawyer who understands Virginia traffic law and can help get your charges reduced or dismissed. Your traffic ticket attorney can identify whether your rights were violated and construct a defense to help minimize your sentencing. If you have been cited for reckless driving, this can have an even greater negative impact on your life. Calling a Richmond traffic lawyer is imperative.

When you are facing a Richmond, VA, traffic ticket, you need lawyers you can trust to stand up for you. You can rely on the Richmond traffic lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit, PLC. We have helped countless clients avoid unnecessary punishments for speeding tickets and reckless driving charges.

At our law firm, we believe that every individual facing traffic violations deserves excellent legal help. We offer free consultations so you can learn more about your charges at no risk. Call our talented legal team today at 804-531-5524 to schedule your case review free of charge.

What Are Some Common Charges Involved with Traffic Violations in Richmond, VA?

One of the most common moving violations in Virginia is speeding. The Richmond police department takes speeding very seriously, as exceeding the speed limit endangers the lives of other drivers, pedestrians, and construction workers.

Some examples of other common traffic violations in the Richmond, VA area include:

  • DUI
  • Excessive speeding (driving at more than 20 mph over the speed limit)
  • Reckless driving
  • Violating traffic signs, including stop signs
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Making sudden lane changes without signaling
  • Tailgating
  • Disobeying highway signs
  • Driving with no tail lights
  • Improper turn
  • Illegal passing
  • Improper U-turn

Being cited for a traffic violation can be unnerving and frustrating. However, you don’t have to confront this issue alone. If your fine is higher than necessary or unfair, our Richmond traffic lawyers can help get your charges reduced or dismissed. This is especially critical if you are facing criminal offenses, such as reckless driving or DUI. Call our law office to get excellent legal representation for your traffic ticket.

What Penalties Could I Face for My Richmond, VA Speeding Ticket?

Traffic tickets in Richmond, VA, depend on the severity of the traffic violations incurred by the driver. In general, the price of the traffic ticket will depend on the miles per hour over the speed limit. However, certain factors could result in increased fines or even criminal charges.

For example, minor speeding tickets are calculated based on the type of roadway. In other words, a school zone or residential area may result in higher fees than exceeding the speed limit on the highway. If you were driving over 20 mph above the speed limit, you could face criminal charges for reckless driving.

A reckless driving conviction is considered a Class I misdemeanor and would receive a maximum penalty of $2,500 and 12 months of jail time. Repeat offenses may lead to felony charges. Virginia traffic laws also prohibit driving too slowly. If you were found impeding traffic at slow speeds, you could receive a traffic ticket.

The additional consequences of a traffic violation include having marks on your driving record, which could lead to increased automobile insurance premiums and even license suspension. Having a criminal record from reckless driving or DUI in Richmond, VA, can impact your ability to keep professional licensing, greatly affecting your way of life. Contact our Virginia lawyers today for a free consultation about how we can help protect your license and your freedom.

How Does a Reckless Driving Charge Affect Traffic Tickets in Richmond, Virginia?

Reckless driving charges should not be taken lightly. Individuals found guilty of reckless driving may face harsh penalties, including jail time and steep fines. You may be taken before a criminal court and face a criminal record that can impact your life for years to come, making it difficult to get employment or keep custody of your children.

If you have been charged with reckless driving, you still have legal rights that must be protected. Please remain calm when dealing with the police officer to maintain a good image of character. You should also exercise your right to remain silent before answering any questions from law enforcement officers. You have the right to legal representation, which you can obtain by calling our talented criminal defense team. Our super lawyers have experience as prosecutors, making us excellent allies to protect your rights and get you the best possible outcome.

What Should I Do if I’ve Received a Ticket as a Commercial Driver?

If you are a commercial driver who has received a traffic ticket, you may be concerned about your ability to keep your job and provide for yourself and your family. Even a minor ticket can impact your commercial driving privileges, reducing your pay and making it hard, if not impossible, to find another job. Reckless driving, speeding, and other traffic offenses may all wreak havoc on your professional life.

Some common charges that can cost you your CDL include:

  • Hit-and-run while operating a commercial motor vehicle
  • Driving commercial motor vehicles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Improper lane change
  • Refusal to submit to a blood or breath alcohol concentration test
  • Speeding at more than 15 mph over the speed limit
  • Using a cellular device while driving the vehicle, including texting

A lawyer can negotiate a better deal for you without going to court, minimizing your costs and protecting your professional license. If matters must go before a judge, our attorneys will fight tirelessly to defend you and get the favorable outcome you’re looking for. We have fought for many commercial clients charged with speeding and other traffic violations. Contact our Richmond area law firm for help with your traffic case today.

What Defenses Can Help Me Avoid the Maximum Penalty for My Traffic Ticket?

Getting the best outcome from your traffic case involves hiring a trusted attorney to defend you. Your lawyer will investigate the details of the incident to prove what really happened and hold law enforcement officers accountable for violations of your rights. You may provide relevant information to show that you needed to perform the alleged traffic violation for your safety or protect the safety of others.

Some examples of strong defenses that can help you avoid the maximum penalty for reckless driving/speeding include:

  • Necessity – Some situations demand that a driver exceed the speed limit, such as to avoid an obstacle in the road or prevent a severe accident.
  • Speed limit not posted – If the speed limit sign is not clearly posted or is obscured by trees or bushes, you may be able to avoid a ticket.
  • Equipment malfunction – You may be able to show that the police officer’s radar gun was malfunctioning, either by demonstrating that the gun picked up another person’s speed or by showing your actual speed through GPS reports.
  • Mistaken identity – Proving you were not the person driving is another method of avoiding conviction and unnecessary fines.

Reach out to our Richmond, VA, traffic law firm today for help developing the best defense strategy for your unique situation.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for Reckless Driving and Speeding Tickets in Richmond, VA?

Traffic cases can be notoriously complex. Your story might conflict with the police officer’s version of events, making it difficult to obtain a favorable ruling. However, you don’t need to go through this stressful situation alone. Richmond traffic lawyers like those at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit, PLC willfight to get your speeding ticket lowered or dismissed.

Some ways an attorney can help include:

  • Uncovering the truth about what happened through a detailed investigation
  • Protecting your legal rights during the legal procedure
  • Representing you aggressively in and out of court
  • Negotiating a fair resolution with the prosecution
  • Helping you know how to answer police officers’ questions
  • Offering legal advice based on decades of experience

When you are charged with a Richmond, VA, traffic law violation, you may face hefty fines, jail time, suspended driving privileges, and more. Aggravated charges might even result in criminal charges that impact your professional and social life. Call our traffic law attorneys immediately for help defeating your ticket and traffic charges.

Should You Hire Our Richmond Speeding Ticket Lawyers?

Many people misunderstand Virginia traffic laws, thinking they must pay the ticket and move on. Other times, the individual is afraid of going to court, so they refuse to fight their traffic ticket. However, you have legal options and legal rights that must be protected. You also shouldn’t have to worry about confronting this difficult situation alone.

At our criminal defense law firm, we believe that no speeding ticket is too small to fight. We promise to use our honed legal skills to offer you the legal representation you need whether you are facing a speeding ticket, reckless driving charge, DUI, or other traffic offense. We promise to treat you with the utmost care and respect, offering excellent legal advice at every step of the process.

Don’t wait another minute to confront your Richmond traffic ticket and get the peace of mind you deserve. Reach out to our Richmond traffic lawyers to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help. Call 804-531-5524 today.