Reckless Driving Greensville County Reduced (94 in a 70)
A client of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-862, in Greensville County. Our client had a good job, and conviction of Reckless Driving could have resulted in potential lost employment, license revocation and jail sentence. The client did not have a particularly good record and the speed was over 90 miles per hour. Our attorney, took the time to get personal information from the client to use as argument for a reduction. After hearing this information, the judge decided to reduce the ticket to a defective equipment and suspend a portion of the fine. The attorney continued to provide more personal information and the Judge did not enforce any community service.
Adam Jurach, Brian Tacey, and Tony Quitiquit regularly handle Reckless Driving cases in Henrico, Hanover, Chesterfield, Richmond, and the surrounding jurisdictions. If you have been charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-862 contact one of the lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit.
“Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.”