Case Results
Abuse and Neglect Attorneys
Hanover Felony Abuse and Neglect Attorneys Our Hanover Criminal Lawyer recently had a client charged with Felony Child Abuse in violation of 18.2-371.1. Our client was facing charges in the Hanover Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Our attorney objected to the previous continuance requests by the Commonwealth. During the last hearin(...)
Continue ReadingCriminal Law Firm
Caroline County Criminal Law Firm Our Caroline County Criminal Law Firm scored another victory for a client. The client retained Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit after not feeling satisfied with previously appointed counsel. Our client was charged with Felony Drug Possession in Caroline County. Felony convictions have life altering results. (...)
Continue ReadingChesterfield
Chesterfield Reckless Reduced A client of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was charged with Reckless Driving in violation of §46.2-862, in Chesterfield. Reckless Driving is a serious offense that can have many negative impacts on your life. A conviction for Reckless Driving is a criminal offense. A conviction can lead to points on your (...)
Continue ReadingConstruction Fraud Charges
Construction Fraud Charges Dismissed in Circuit Court One of our lawyers had a unique Circuit Court trial victory in Henrico County. Our client was facing criminal charges in Henrico County. The client was charged with Construction Fraud in violation of § 18.2-200.1. The client and attorney had met numerous times to prepare for trial a(...)
Continue ReadingCircuit Court Probation Violation and Contempt
Hanover Circuit Court Probation Violation and Contempt Dismissed Our attorney represented a client in the Hanover Circuit Court for a Violation of Probation in violation of 19.2-306 and a Capias in violation of 18.2-456. Our client was facing these charges because it was alleged that there was a violation of VASAP. These charges exposed o(...)
Continue ReadingCriminal Attorney
Hanover Criminal Attorney A young client had their charges in Hanover dismissed. The client was charged with Threat to Bomb or Burn(§18.2-83) and Profane Language over the Telephone (§18.2-427). The client was a young student with no criminal record. Unfortunately, the client was not released on bond after being charged. The client’s f(...)
Continue ReadingCourt Drug Lawyer
Hanover Juvenile Court Drug Lawyer In the Juvenile Court in Hanover County, a client of Jurach, Tacey, and Quitiquit was charged with a drug possession case. The client was charged with Possession of Marijuana in violation of §18.2-250.1. This charge is a misdemeanor, and currently a conviction can lead to a fine of up to $500 and even ja(...)
Continue ReadingDefense Lawyer
Caroline County Defense Lawyer The law firm of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was able to get an outstanding result for a client facing criminal charges in Caroline County. Our client was charged with two counts of §18.2-57 Felony Assault on Law Enforcement, §18.2-460 two counts of Obstruction of Justice, §46.2-817 two Felony counts of Elud(...)
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