Hanover Marijuana Lawyer
Have you been charged with Possession of Marijuana in violation of §18.2-250.1, in Hanover County? Our lawyers regularly handle drug possession and specifically marijuana possession cases in Hanover, Virginia. Read how one of our lawyers was recently able to get a clients charges dismissed.
Our client had been charged with Possession of Marijuana. Our client had no record, and was eligible to have the charges dismissed. However, our lawyer took the time, and discovered there was an issue with the case. Our client had not been read their Miranda warnings. Due to this, all of the statments in the case were kept out, and our client was able to walk with all of the charges dismissed.
Adam Jurach, Brian Tacey, and Tony Quitiquit regularly handle misdemeanor and felony criminal cases in Henrico, Hanover, Chesterfield, Richmond, and the surrounding jurisdictions. If you have been charged with Possession of Marijuana in violation of §18.2-250.1 contact one of the lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit.
“Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.”