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Hanover Juvenile Court Drug Lawyer

In the Juvenile Court in Hanover County, a client of Jurach, Tacey, and Quitiquit was charged with a drug possession case.  The client was charged with Possession of Marijuana in violation of §18.2-250.1. This charge is a misdemeanor, and currently a conviction can lead to a fine of up to $500 and even jail time of up to 30 days. Additionally, the conviction remains on your criminal record, which can cause problems in the future.

Our client was found with a large quantity of marijuana, two bongs, and two grinders. The co-defendant did not have a lawyer, and immediately plead guilty. However, our lawyer suggested to our client that they plea not guilty. With our attorney’s experience and hard work, we were able to find weaknesses in the case that came to the client’s advantage, and our client was found not guilty.

Adam JurachBrian Tacey, and Tony Quitiquit regularly handle misdemeanor and felony criminal cases in HenricoHanoverChesterfieldRichmond, and the surrounding jurisdictions.  If you have been charged with Possession of Marijuana in violation of §18.2-250.1 contact one of the lawyers at Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit.

“Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.”