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What typically happens in Virginia on a Reckless Driving ticket?

What typically happens in Virginia on a Reckless Driving ticket?


One of the most asked questions we get at the office is, what am I going to get for my reckless driving ticket?  We handle cases from Emporia and Sussex to Hanover and Henrico.  There is no “typical” outcome when it comes to reckless driving.   First, there are a number of statutes that deal with reckless driving, from very specific situations to general reckless driving .  The most common reckless driving tickets we receive calls about are listed at the bottom of this post.  Second, each jurisdiction handles reckless driving tickets.  A judge in Chesterfield may not do the same as one in Goochland or Hanover.  Sometimes we get asked what the “typical” outcome in a specific jurisdiction is.  That is a slippery slope, as any regular practicing attorney will tell you, as it is not uncommon to walk in to court in front of a substitute judge.  Third, a lot of the outcome depends on the specifics of each clients case.  The specifics that are typically relevant in defending a reckless driving ticket are the drivers previous record, demeanor with the officer, how heavy traffic was, the reason for the ticket, and the reason for driving.  Last, and what we believe is a very important factor is the attorney you choose to use regarding your reckless driving ticket.  The attorney you choose needs to use knowledge of the law, the jurisdiction, and the specifics of your case to put together an argument to get  you the best result possible.  If you have been charged with a reckless driving charge in Virginia call the lawyers of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit at 804-531-5524.

Common Reckless Driving Statutes:

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