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Richmond Wills Attorneys

Offering Estate Planning Services

If you don’t have an estate plan that dictates what happens to your assets when you pass away, it’s time to make one. As you consider what tools to include, make sure a will is one of them, as this is a common estate planning documentfor peace of mind.

If you’re unsure how to write your will, contact Jurach, Tacey&Quitiquit, PLC for estate planning assistance. Our attorneys have years of experience making estate plans for clients, so call our Richmond, VA law firm to speak with a knowledgeable wills lawyer.

Why Do You Need a Will?

Every estate plan benefits from the inclusion of a last will. That’s because it’s a simple way to leave instructions about important matters, as a will lets you:

  • Clarify which family members get your assets after your death
  • Appoint a personal representative to handle your estate
  • Designate a guardian for your minor children

Experienced estate planning attorneys can guide you through writing your will, so contact our Virginia law firm when you’re ready for help.

What Is a Living Will?

As you make an estate plan, you’ll learn about other estate planning documents with different purposes than last wills. For example, you’ll discover living wills, which are advanced medical directives with instructions foryour end-of-life medical care.

Living wills are essential when you’re too incapacitated to communicate your healthcare wishes. So, if you can’t tell your doctors you don’t want a specific surgery, your living will can make these wishes clear for them.

Signing a medical power of attorney can provide even more peace of mind, as this lets a trusted person speak on your behalf. Our Virginia estate planning lawyers can assist with these documents, so call today.

What Is Probate?

A will is an important part of your estate plan, but if it’s the only estate planning option you use, your estate must go through probate. This process ensures your will is authentic and debts and taxes get paid before the assets are distributed.

The probate process can last over a year, which means your family must wait before getting their inheritance. Your personal representative might also have to hire a probate attorney, as probate law is complex. This is why many people try to avoid probate through trusts and other tools. If you want to learn how to bypass probate, estate planning advice from our legal team can help.

How Can Richmond Wills Attorneys Assist You?

If you need legal advice from an attorney who understands the desire to leave a legacy and ensure family members are cared for, call our Virginia law firm. We can assist with everything from the probate process and estate planning to estate administration and business planning. If you’re ready to write your will, call 804-531-5524 to speak with a caring attorney.