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Richmond Murder Defense Attorneys

Defending Clients from Severe Charges

If you were arrested for allegedly killing someone in Virginia, you need legal representation for a chance to avoid life-changing penalties. Skilled Richmond murder lawyers have the legal knowledge necessary to find evidence in your favor, helping you avoid the harshest penalties for violent crimes. The sooner you reach out to a lawyer who has handled criminal cases like yours, the sooner they can begin gathering evidence for your defense strategy, so we urge you to contact our Richmond criminal defense law firm today for help.

When you hire Jurach, Tacey&Quitiquit, PLC, you’ll get legal support from a criminal defense attorney who used to be a prosecutor and is now committed to defending clients from serious criminal charges. Call our Richmond, VA law office to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced attorney.

What Are the Homicide Charges in Virginia?

If prosecutors believe you caused the death of someone, you could be charged with homicide, which is defined as the killing of a person. Homicide is divided into two types of charges: murder and manslaughter.

If you’re charged with murder, you’re accused of unlawfully killing someone with malice aforethought, making this the most serious homicide charge. On the other hand, manslaughter could be either intentional or accidental, but it’s always without malice.

The following are the homicide charges you could face in Virginia, with the most serious forms of this crime listed first:

  • Aggravated murder: The willful, deliberate, premeditated killing of someone when certain aggravating factors are present, such as when there are multiple victims or the victim is a child
  • First-degree murder: The deliberate, willful, premeditated killing of someone without the presence of aggravating factors
  • Second-degree murder: The unlawful killing of someone with malice in a way that doesn’t meet the requirements of first-degree or aggravated murder
  • Felony murder: The unlawful, accidental killing of someone while committing a certain felony
  • Voluntary manslaughter: The intentional, unlawful killing of someone without malice, usually in the heat of passion
  • Involuntary manslaughter: The accidental killing of someone while committing a criminal offense that is not a felony, such as causing a fatal car accident due to reckless driving

If you’re unsure how your homicide charge applies to your situation or want to know what consequences you face, you should get advice from a Richmond criminal defense attorney. You deserve to know what to expect during the legal process, and the criminal defense lawyers at our Richmond law office would be happy to advise you, so call for a free consultation.

What Penalties Do You Face?

All homicide cases involve felony charges, so no matter which homicide charge you’re convicted of, your punishment will likely include time in prison or jail. The amount of time you spend there and the amount you’ll pay in fines will depend on the charge. The penalties for homicide in Virginia include:

  • Aggravated murder: Life imprisonment and up to $100,000 in fines
  • First-degree murder: 20 years to life in prison and up to $100,000 in fines
  • Second-degree murder: 5 to 40 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines
  • Felony murder: 5 to 40 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines
  • Voluntary manslaughter: 1 to 10 years in prison or up to 12 months of jail time, plus a $2,500 fine
  • Involuntary manslaughter: 1 to 10 years in prison or up to 12 months of jail time, plus $2,500 in fines

If you’re worried about the possibility of spending years in prison after being convicted, you should hire a Richmond criminal defense lawyer to fight your criminal charges in court. After all, there’s a lot at stake, so don’t leave the outcome of your homicide case to chance. Instead, leave it in the hands of knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers by hiring our Richmond, VA law firm.

What Are Defenses to Virginia Homicide Charges?

When facing criminal charges with serious penalties, you might feel discouraged at your chance of avoiding conviction. However, the right criminal defense attorney for your case will create a defense strategy that gives you the best chance of getting the murder charges dropped or reduced. Some of the most common defense angles for criminal law firms to use include:

  • Self-defense
  • False accusation
  • Mistaken identification
  • Defense of property
  • Heat of passion
  • Insanity
  • Insufficient evidence

Your Richmond criminal defense attorney will consider the details of your criminal case before creating an effective defense strategy to use in court. When you hire a Richmond homicide lawyer with extensive experience with the legal system, you won’t have to spend time worrying about the details of your criminal law case, such as what the evidence presented in court means or how to prove you acted in self-defense.

You can leave these legal issues to your criminal defense lawyer, who will deal with the prosecutors on your behalf. If you’re ready to get legal representation when facing criminal charges in the Richmond area, call us to talk to a compassionate attorney.

Why Should You Hire Richmond Murder Defense Attorneys?

Being charged with a serious crime is scary, especially when you have no idea how to respond to the accusations. That’s why it’s best to get legal representation so you have advice from an attorney who knows how to collect evidence, get witness statements, and identify any mistakes the prosecutor or police made during the legal process.

When you have a skilled Richmond homicide lawyer by your side, you’ll have legal support and quick answers to your questions, such as whether you should take a plea bargain or if the evidence clearly shows you acted in self-defense. If you like the idea of having guidance from a caring attorney who has experience working on a prosecution team, call 804-531-5524 to talk to a Richmond homicide lawyer.