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Hanover Reckless Driving Ticket

One of the Hanover Reckless Driving Ticket lawyers of Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit was able to get another great result for a client in Hanover County.  The client was charged with driving almost thirty miles per hour over the speed limit.  At thirty miles per hour, you would typically face a potential jail sentence.

However, the attorney worked with the client and used previous experiences in the Hanover Court system to the client’s advantage.  With the right mitigation prior to the hearing date, our attorney was able to have the Reckless Driving charge reduced.  Reckless Driving is a misdemeanor, and the charge was ultimately reduced to Improper Driving, which is not a misdemeanor and carries the least amount of points possible in Virginia.

Tony Quitiquit, Brian Tacey, and Adam Jurach regularly handle serious traffic cases in Hanover as well as HenricoChesterfieldRichmond, and the surrounding jurisdictions.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.

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