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Virginia Traffic Lawyers

A client was recently charged with Reckless Driving for going 121 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour zone as well as a seventh offense Driving Suspended.  The charges typically result in a significant jail sentence and loss of license.  One of our Virginia Traffic Lawyers advised the client prior to the hearing that there was a good chance of an outcome that would result in an active sentence.

As the date approached the client was given a list of things to accomplish prior to the hearing.  Unfortunately, none of those things were done prior to Court.  Our attorney had to think on his feet on the date of the hearing.  The attorney devised a strategy, to attempt to avoid a potentially disastrous outcome.  After advising the client that there was likely only one potential avenue to avoid jail time, the client decided to follow the advice of our attorney.  At the hearing the strategy worked, and miraculously the client only ended up with a fine of $250.  It was a long shot, but it was worth taking the risk.

Hiring an experienced Virginia Traffic Lawyer can help you when you are in a tough situation.  Tony Quitiquit, Brian Tacey, and Adam Jurach regularly handle serious Traffic cases in Hanover as well as HenricoChesterfieldRichmond, and the surrounding jurisdictions.

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.

The content of this Blog/Web Site does not constitute legal advice. Because legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and laws are constantly changing, you should seek the assistance of licensed and competent legal counsel for specific legal advice.

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