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Richmond DUI Lawyers

Helping Clients Avoid Convictions for DUI

Facing a DUI can be a frightening experience. Many individuals who are arrested for DUI in Virginia are innocent or have had their rights violated. If you are suspected of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you should act quickly to protect your rights and avoid the serious penalties associated with DUI.

You shouldn’t face your DUI charges alone. Hiring a Richmond DUI lawyer is one of the best ways to combat charges you don’t deserve. Even if you made a mistake and drove while intoxicated, you have rights that must be protected. Your VA DUI lawyer can help by investigating the details of your arrest and uncovering the truth about what happened. An attorney can also advise you on how to interact with the police officer to avoid accidental self-incrimination.

Having a DUI offense on your record can be devastating in many ways. Not only will you potentially face jail time and hefty fines, but you could risk losing professional licensing and the ability to keep custody of your children. Drunk driving charges come with many risks and should not be taken lightly. Don’t try to go it alone with so much at stake. Contact our compassionate legal team for aggressive representation by calling 804-531-5524 today.

What Are Virginia’s DUI Laws?

Virginia’s DUI laws are quite complex and depend on your age, profession, and other circumstances surrounding your address. If you have questions about your DUI/DWI charges, please get in touch with our Richmond law firm immediately. Time is of the essence when fighting DUI charges, so don’t wait another moment; call today!

Underage Drinking Charges

Individuals under the age of 21 who are operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol have broken the law and may be subject to criminal charges. Unlike adults, who are over the limit with a BAC of over 0.08%, minors with at least 0.02% BAC may face license suspension and fines of up to $500. If the person under age 21 has a BAC of over 0.08%, they may be charged as an adult for DUI/DWI.

Excessive BAC

The BAC level considered over the legal limit in Virginia is 0.08%. However, if the individual has a high BAC of 0.15-0.20%, they may be incarcerated for a mandatory five days. Anyone with a BAC of over .20% will be sentenced to at least ten days in jail.

Refusal to Submit to Chemical Testing

Under implied consent law, by accepting a driver’s license in Virginia, you automatically agree to submit to chemical testing when suspected of a DUI offense. Individuals who refuse to submit to a blood or breath test may face a driver’s license suspension for seven days and one year. If you are convicted of DUI, your suspension period will be added to the original suspension for breath test refusal. If you’re not sure whether police officers are respecting your rights, contact a skilled Richmond DUI attorney immediately.

First-Offense DUI

First-time offenders may be charged with a misdemeanor DUI, meaning the penalties will be less than for repeat offenders. A first-offense DUI/DWI can lead to up to a year in jail and $2,500 in fines. The convicted individual may also be required to attend an alcohol safety program and face a one-year license suspension.

Professional Drivers

Individuals who drive a vehicle commercially are held to even more stringent laws regarding driving while intoxicated. A commercial driver may face a DUI charge for driving with a BAC of between .04% or higher. They may also lose their jobs and the ability to work as a commercial driver in the future. For help fighting your DUI charge, please get in touch with our criminal defense law firm immediately.

What Penalties Come with a Conviction for Drunk Driving Offenses?

Driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated is extremely dangerous, and Virginia laws are stringent to discourage individuals from engaging in this risky behavior. If you are facing DUI/DWI charges in Richmond, VA, you may worry about what penalties you could face. At our law office, we fight vigorously to get our clients the minimal sentencing, even in the most challenging circumstances.


Offenders with a first-time DUI conviction will receive a fine of at least $250, have their license suspended for one year, and be enrolled in a local alcohol safety program. If the individual had a blood alcohol concentration of over .15%, they may face mandatory jail time of at least five days.

Second DUI in Virginia

A second DUI/DWI in Virginia may lead to a license suspension of three years or more. The individual may also be sentenced to up to a year in jail and pay fines of at least $500. The convicted person may also be required to use an ignition interlock device.

Third and Subsequent DUI

A third DUI in five years or less constitutes a felony, resulting in even harsher penalties. The third DUI offense or other subsequent conviction could result in ten years in prison, fines of at least $1,000, and permanent license revocation. Repeat DUI offenses are taken extremely seriously in Virginia. Please act quickly to retain excellent legal counsel when facing a repeat Richmond, VA DUI.

DUI Resulting in Death or Injury

Finally, if a person causes an accident while driving under the influence, they may face additional penalties. Causing the death of another person in a DUI accident is an additional criminal offense known as aggravated involuntary manslaughter. A conviction could put the individual in prison for ten to twenty years. Reach out to our Richmond DUI attorneys immediately for help fighting these serious charges.

How Can I Fight My DUI Conviction?

If you’ve been charged with a Richmond, VA DUI, acting quickly to fight your charges is crucial. The criminal system will not wait to charge and convict you, so you should call a Richmond DUI lawyer immediately.

Your attorney can ensure your rights are being respected by law enforcement officers. They can also advise you on how to answer police officers’ questions, including knowing when to remain silent. If your rights were violated during the arrest or investigation, we can help get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Fighting your DUI charges can mean keeping your driver’s license, your dignity, and your way of life. Contact our knowledgeable legal team today to learn more about how we can help in a free consultation.

How Will a DUI Impact My Life?

Many people focus on the negative legal effects of a DUI/DWI conviction, such as the time spent in jail and the monetary cost of fines. However, what is even more devastating are the social and economic effects of losing your license and having a criminal record.

Being convicted of DUI impairs your ability to commute, making it extremely difficult to get to work, school, and even medical appointments. You may also lose your job, education opportunities, security clearance, and professional licensing. If you divorce, having a criminal record can make it difficult to keep custody of your children, impacting your relationship with them.

Please act quickly to fight your DUI offense and protect your way of life. Hire a trusted Richmond DUI lawyer to defend you and get your charges lowered or thrown out. Call Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit, PLC right away to discuss your DUI case with our talented legal team.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been Arrested for Drunk Driving?

Being placed under arrest doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Please remember that you have constitutional rights that must be respected by the police officer and throughout the legal process. One of your rights is to contact a DUI lawyer for legal counsel and representation.

If you’ve been arrested for DUI/DWI in Richmond, VA, one of the most important things to remember is to stay calm. You may rightfully feel angry about the arrest, but treating police officers courteously is essential to protect your image and get the best results in your criminal case. You should also refrain from sharing information about the arrest with others, including on social media.

Submitting to breath or chemical testing is recommended, as refusing can increase your charges. However, you do not have to answer the law enforcement officer’s questions. Reach out to our caring, capable legal team before communicating with the police officer in any way. We can coach you on how to answer questions to present the best, most truthful representation of your situation.

Should You Hire Our DUI Lawyers in Richmond?

DUI cases can be complex, especially with the stigma against drunk drivers. Whether you are a minor or another individual who made a mistake and needs help with criminal defense, we promise to stand by your side. We look past each client’s criminal charges to see the valued individual who deserves the utmost respect. We promise to stand up for you and get the most favorable results possible in your DUI case.

A DUI conviction can lead to serious negative consequences that you shouldn’t ignore. Not only could you go to jail or prison and face hundreds of dollars in fines, but you may also lose your license, job, and social life if you are convicted of DUI/DWI. There is too much at stake to go it alone in these delicate matters. Call our law office immediately for DUI defense from skilled, experienced attorneys.

At Jurach, Tacey & Quitiquit, PLC, we understand how frightening and frustrating it can be to face criminal charges you don’t deserve. We will work tirelessly to create a solid defense that protects you from the maximum sentencing. We want to restore your freedom and your hope for a better future. Call our team of DUI lawyers today to fight your DUI and get your life back. You can reach us at 804-531-5524 for a free consultation with our dedicated and talented legal team.